Presentation Works
Presentation Works
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Presentation Works

020 3302 1812 .

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 10:03:26


Presentation Skills Training . Public Speaking Training .
Life on Zoom . Your Audience and You . Video and Audio Production

Individuals and groups welcome. Serving the UK and beyond from East Anglia and London.

Learn, apply and practice proven ways of energising and engaging your audience. Play to your own strengths and exceed their expectations.

Seize the opportunity to feel happy and comfortable on your feet. Or addressing audiences online; the skills required are similar but there are essential differences.

What is it that keeps your audience engaged, energised and enthused? Why is it ALL about them? Why might practice and preparation pay off many times over?

Discover the tried, tested, proven ways so that you too can win on every occasion.

Colin WD McLean

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Colin is a skills trainer, presenter, speaker, YouTube channel and podcast owner, and a voice actor.

Based in Norwich (Norfolk, UK) he is frequently in London and the South East and travels both nationally and internationally too.

An actor and director from a very early age, he has spent over 50 years in front of, and amongst, audiences of all sorts and sizes.

He claims that the digital world holds no fears.

Find out more about him by following his Social Media links.
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Client Comments
  • "Colin was fantastic. Very professional and very, very good! "Fiona N, Cambs
  • "Colin is a commensurate professional and a solid character. I have recommended him to clients on many occasions and he has always delivered an excellent service. As one of our key resources for confidence and presentational development, I can not recommend Colin highly enough."Robert G, London
  • "Very interesting content and highly inspirational delivery."Lewis S, Essex
  • "Colin provided thoughtful, practical advice to my colleagues which has propelled them forwards in their online rôles."Claire B, London
  • "The one-to-one we had was outstanding. I was genuinely terrified; with his help, I recognise Iʼm now a very competent presenter."Debbie R, London & Sydney
  • "Colin presents with a wealth of knowledge but also a great deal of humour. I highly recommend the day."David A, Cambridge
  • "In just over one hour Colin taught me more about Zoom and how to give engaging webinars that will get you 5-star reviews than I have learned in over 5 years of using zoom. He is a master of his craft and knows exactly what is needed to delight your audience. His advice is simple, pragmatic and powerful. If you want to be recognized as an excellent presenter, speaker or trainer then I highly recommend coaching with Colin.."Gordon T, Spain
  • "We have been working with Colin for many years now. He is excellent to work with, adds value to our projects, delivers quality, is on time, and amenable/open to direction."San B, USA
  • "Colin has supported a number of our employees with bespoke one to one presentation skills development and we would recommend Colin to others considering brushing up their skills. Colin is very professional and covers a lot of ground in a short period of time"Suzanne B, HR Dept, London
  • "I have been very fortunate to collaborate with Colin on Zoom sessions on numerous occasions. Clear, helpful and engaging, he's always ready to listen attentively and give solid advice based on his solid track record in the Voice Over industry. His experience as a Presentation coach is evident, and when he speaks, you listen to his every word! "Ramesh M, Arona, Canary Islands
  • "Colin is very motivational and yet simultaneously has a very calming influence. He has been a mentor for me, always at the end of a phone when needed. He has a unique talent."Justyn Y, Herts

Video and Audio Production

Many a good video is ruined by poor audio.

There are lots of things we can learn and apply to improve our recorded and streaming (think Zoom here) video, and in particular audio.

Be the one in the meeting who people notice, who is audible and who manages to ‘pop’ off that screen.

Advice is to hand. Video and Audio Production


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Often there’s a great deal riding on a presentation. The one thing we tend to avoid at all costs is practicing (rehearsing) a speech or presentation in real time, and yet it is the one thing that will guarantee a better and more effective performance.

Focus first on you - learn and rehearse in a safe space, find out what practical things can help you stay comfortably in the spotlight. Then bring your focus on your audience.

They will straight away be wanting more.

Two Introductory PDFs:
Make Sure you are
Visible Online ..

and make sure you are
Audible too

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There’s a series of myths about public speaking. What we need to do, to be happy and comfortable on our feet, is to find our own honest voice, enhance our own style, practice and then embrace every opportunity to be heard.

This is simpler than most people fear.

It is also, unquestionably, a skill that everyone can adopt, adapt and make their own.

A little help will get you a long way.

Audio - an Introduction to Body Language (6 mins)

Events . Workshops . Seminars . Courses
Presentation Skills / Public Speaking Workshops  . Body Language Seminar . Body Language Workshops
All are now held online. Watch this space for news on Zoom-based events or sign up for updates at

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