Tuesday, February 18, 2025 10:03:26
Video and Audio Production
Many a good video is ruined by poor audio.
There are lots of things we can learn and apply to improve our recorded and streaming (think Zoom here) video, and in particular audio.
Be the one in the meeting who people notice, who is audible and who manages to ‘pop’ off that screen.
Advice is to hand. Video and Audio Production
Two Introductory PDFs:
Make Sure you are Visible Online ..
and make sure you are
Audible too
Audio Visual Aids“ .. what I want you to know and .. to remember ..” |
Pauses and Repetition“ .. we all know know what it feels like ..” |
Audiences and Timing“ .. to have a watch that works ..” |
Happy and Comfortable“ .. how people feel on their feet ..” |
Preparation and Rehearsal“ .. my challenge to anyone in business ..” | |
Nerves and Butterflies“ .. part of our performance ..” |
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